Yeah so those are the five top picks for this morning. Not bad really, but not as great as yesterday. So then I peddled my skinny tail back to my apartment in downtown to get ready for my class at 9a. This class was Intro to Photoshop. I was afraid I would have to get bumped to a intermediate level class, because I felt I knew a lot of Photoshop already. But most of it was self-taught and I did end up noticing that the syllabus mentioned a lot of areas we would cover that I wasn't 100% on. So I decided it best to stay in the class for a good refresh of the memory, plus get to learn new ways to do things and new things all together. I think it will be a really fun class! I then had maybe 45 minutes at most to go back to my place for some lunch before my 1p class started. This class is Emotive Writing. It's basically a creative writing class. There are only 3 of us in the class. Me and two girls. I think it'll be an incredibly helpful class. Definitely help me brush up on my creativity and be more descriptive with writing the surroundings and descriptions of places and characters. We did a few in-class assignments. Our homework, believe it or not, is to actually go to a type of bar this weekend, take in the surroundings and what we see, touch, feel, etc. Our homework is to write a personal essay, very descriptive, about our experience. Hahaha it sounds interesting enough. So I'm goin to drag my roommate with me to this "bar" partly so I'm not completely alone like a dork and also so we can get away from the school some and relax, even though I'm "on assignment." It'll be a fun class.Who am I kidding? This whole experience and all my classes is going to be amazing, and has already proven to be true.
After class I went to the Professional Photographer's Resources place and bought a tripod, which came highly recommended. It came to about $240 with a student discount. Yeah, it hurts my heart too. But its a great brand and top-of-the-line. I'm sure through the years it will pay for itself and then some.
Tonight those of us in the Natural Light class were given an option to either shoot the sunset or attend a lecture at the High Museum of Art. The lecture was being given by Gregory Heisler, He is the photographer that actually is freakin' incredible. DO check his site. He is speaking at the school tomorrow for our weekly seminar. He has shot 73 covers for Time magazine. I mean the things he has shot blows my mind. The lecture tonight was about a great photographer, Arnold Newman. Mr Heisler was Mr. Newman's assistant for 10 months, who has since passed away. So it was a whole lecture about who he was, his style and his legacy. It was amazing! I couldn't help but sit there and think about how in the future, there could be lectures about me and my work I left to the world. It's crazy to think about, and yet, just as possible of happening. He touched on a little about the importance of individuality in your work and how it is sort of like your true personal style. Where someone will look at a shot and be able to say "That looks like a Hampton original" or something like that. It was good to hear, because my whole purpose is to really shoot things other people might not have seen normally themselves, or other photographers might not have seen themselves for that matter. To really stand out among the crowd. Like a specific needle in a stack of needles. Like that needle I need to be sharp, and leave my creative mark forever. Definitely something to be keeping in mind as I'm going to be shooting everyday.
Thats about it for my first week of grad school. Tomorrow is just seminar, so I doubt I'll be updating with how that went. This weekend I will be trying to find some great places to shoot and some creative places and angles to do that. I was thinking maybe the airport for some reason. We'll see. Use my resources and don't ever settle. Keep pushing the envelope and break the seal. Thanks so much for all of your prayers and support. I can't wait to see some of you soon.
More to come...
P.S. - I got my school photo I.D....what do you think? Haha