Wednesday, April 1, 2009

R.I.P. GMC Jimmy...You've Been Replaced!!!

I can't believe I bought a new car!!! YAY!!! For those of you who know me well, know that I've had the Jimmy my parents gave me (I'm not spoiled, they just got a new car and gave me their old one) for quite some time. Probably since 2002 or 2003? It had been having some serious issues with it lately, and we tried to nurse it as long as we could. It was a '96 with 217,000 miles on it ha. Recently the turn signals failed. I tried to fix it but it ended up being the actual lever in the car nothing simple. My radiator is also busted with a hole somewhere. I constantly had to put coolant in it every time I got in the car. With all the weddings I have coming up, I knew it would be more and more costly to rely on Jimmy to get me everywhere. So...we got it replaced! It was quite an ordeal.

I went to Nashville for part of my break from grad school and figured I'd look for a new car while I was there so I could return to Atlanta in the new ride. I had wanted a Mazda3 Hatchback for quite some time. Dad had read how highly rated they are and reliable and great gas mileage, etc (about 33mph on the highway...Jimmy was like 22 haha). So I found two I was interested in in Nashville and drove to look at them both. One was a 2005 going for $11,900. The other was a 2007 going for $16,000. Clearly the 2005 would've had to be the one because it was more affordable, etc. The people at the dealership; however, were unwilling to work with us. Were kind of rude too actually. Then I went and looked at the 2007 and everyone was so nice there and I was more worried about affording it. Low and behold, I got the dealership to come down to the $11,9 asking price of the 2005 AND they were going to give me an additional $1,500 for the Jimmy to put towards the new car! So after consulting with Dad back in VA on the phone (this happened numerous times) we knew it was a no-brainer and went with the 2007. YAY!! I had to get mom and dad to cosign because my credit had no depth. They said I had a great credit score, just nothing really on it. I'm beyond grateful that mom and dad stepped up for me. I was able to get my payments down to like $275/mo for it. I couldn't be more thrilled! A replacement car for Jimmy had been a hope of mine for a while...I will honestly miss Jimmy though. Lots of memories in there. :) So here is what my 2007 Mazda3 Hatchback looks like...

Yeah I'm pretty excited about you can probably imagine ha. Things have been pretty busy. I was able to go to Nashville like I said to visit my brother and his family. Plus get to see my niece Carson and nephew Jadd. Here they are...(since I know some want to see pictures of them).

Aren't they just adorable?! I could hold them forever. One night I was reading Carson to bed and she was like "snuggle me now, Buddy." It was too tender. I can't wait to go back Easter weekend. The whole family will be together (minus Rachel who is still serving in the Philippines...sad.) Christina is going out there with me to meet everyone...she already met mom and dad. So it should be fun. I tried to warn her we're a huge family, but she is excited.

This Saturday we're going to Greenville because I have to do some Bridal Portraits. So I'm also going to show Christina my school and all of that jazz. But things are going really well with her. We're becoming concert pros here in Atlanta. By the end of the summer we'll be hitting these concerts: Hillsong United, Gavin DeGraw, No Doubt/Paramore, Coldplay and Rascal Flatts. Crazy! In May I'm taking her home to Lynchburg for a weekend to show her there and I have a wedding to shoot. Then the following weekend is my only weekend off of the entire Summer practically minus one other one, so I'm going with her to a friend's wedding in Orlando and we're also going to go to DisneyWorld. WOO HOO! Wedding season is getting crazy, but I'm not complaining at all. My next wedding is April 25th and after that I don't have a weekend free until end of July. Wow! What a blessing! I've gotten 2 emails today asking for other weddings. All I'm saying is keep it up God! :) I guess I'm doing great work.

I've been trying to work on my Kenya support letters to mail out to people. It costs $3,500 and I need to have half of it by the middle of April. I know God will provide...or I'll be writing a check ha. Keep that in your prayers. And send me your address if you'd like to receive a letter :) Or ask me how to give online.

Grad school 3rd quarter begins on Monday. I can't believe how fast things are going. I'm really looking forward to learning what classes I'll have. I will definitely keep you all updated. Thanks so much for your continued prayer and support. I hope you are all doing extremely well! Here is an updated finished photo of my Jesus shot from this past quarter. I'm very pleased with how it turned out. It isn't perfect, but still better than I thought ha. I hope everyone is doing well. GOD BLESS!

More to come...

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Hike of a Week

Hey guys! Look I'm getting better at posting sooner. Not that you guys read anyways haha. This has been the most beautiful weather of the year so far here in Atlanta. It was low 70s and nice and cool. Oh yes. Christina and I decided to take advantage of it by going to Stone Mountain on Saturday. She had never been. So we packed a few PB&Js and chips and grapes and set our course for the big rock. I kinda felt like a kid on a field trip with his PB&J but it was yummy. It costs like $8 each to ride the tram to the top. We decided to hike it, rugged style. Let's just say we dominated that mountain on our feet. Definitely worth the experience. I hadn't been since high school. There are some gorgeous views from up there. Downtown Atlanta and Buckhead and the surrounding counties. Just very pleasant. It was definitely quite a steep hike towards the top. We thought it was funny that trying to talk to each other got harder since we also tried to capture oxygen to breathe. Here is a sample... "Christina, I think...that to...night....we movie." Yeah the pauses are reserved for big gasps of air haha. Ok maybe it wasn't that extreme, but you get the idea. Here we are after the hike in front of the mountain.

It's just weird cause not even a week ago it was snowing here and we got 3 inches. We even made a snowman to enjoy it. It made me miss home and Virginia snow. It never snows down here, so this was rare.

We're having a really great time together so far. It feels like we've been out longer than a few weeks. The first weekend in April I have to go to North Greenville for a photo shoot and she is going to go with me and I'll show her my college. Then she is going to Nashville with me for Easter with the entire family. That should be a joy!

This summer is going to be crazy busy I think. I'll have weddings just about every weekend in May and June. Not to mention my trip to Kenya June 18-27. Plus balancing school on top of it all. Yeah I like the challenge. The one weekend in May I have free is Memorial Day weekend, but Christina is going to a wedding in Orlando and wants me to go. So we're also going to hit Disney World before we come back! I'm stoked about that cause I haven't been since maybe 8th grade. As long as we get to see Goofy I'll be set for life. But I couldn't be happier about things right now. I felt like such a dork because I cried in front of Christina the other night just sharing about how blessed I feel and how far I've come since graduating from NGU. I just never would've thought I'd be here in Atlanta in school and with this amazing woman. You'd just have to understand I guess to know why I cried. I just feel like 100% different. Christina is so similar to me in that we're both very open and understand one another. It's so great! So far...hahaha just kidding. We're just taking it day by day and week by week. God knows what will happen. We're just along for the journey together.

This week is Studio Week at school. I feel like I'm halfway done with everything. Should be done with a lot more today and tomorrow. I'm honestly thrilled the end of the quarter is here. 3rd quarter should be awesome...I hope. One assignment that is proving to be a headache is my composite image for Photoshop class. This is where I have to shoot a background and people individually and then put them all together to make it seem like it was shot in one photo. My story idea for the shot is Jesus washing people's feet on the street corner. This is what it looks like so far.

So let me explain the tiring process of the photo haha. First I shot this wall downtown Atlanta. Then I had to shoot everyone in the studio separately. Jesus with his bowl of water. I shot him with his hand out and open so I could place the girl's foot in his hand on the computer. Then the soldier is pouring sand out of his boot from Iraq onto the sidewalk. Then the business woman (Christina) who is getting impatient with things to do. It's going to be awesome when it's finished, but I have to go in and match the lighting color to the same tones as the wall, add their shadows in and spruce up all of the other details. Very detailed, but I think it will be cool when it is finished.

The other tiring assignment is my 12-page brochure I am designing for my computer design class. It's been my favorite class of the quarter. Just frustrating because I don't know much about design, but it's getting there. We'll see haha. I should be done Wednesday with everything but the printing and framing to do, and that takes no time at all. Praise God! I'm not sure when my Critiques are yet next week, but I'll have 3 this quarter. One for writing, one for photography and the other for my computer design. Should be fun! I'll keep you guys posted. Have a great week!

More to come.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Lot Has Happened

Wow! Almost a month since I've posted on here. Crazy! I'm honestly at a loss of where to begin with this update. The most exciting thing that has happened, to me anyway, is I am now in the beautiful company of a new girlfriend! :) Her name is Christina. We met through church groups here and it's been going really well. It kinda surprised us both. We participate in Fusion which is kinda like a small group of sorts from the church of people our age. We met there as volunteers and kinda just slowly talked. Then about two weeks ago, I was trying to find someone to go to Cirque du Soleil with me and my parents who were coming down. So, being the outgoing random soul I am, I emailed a bunch of girls from church to prod the waters and see if anyone was interested in going. Apparently she was interested the whole time, but waited til last minute to say so because she didn't want to seem eager haha. So she braved the night with me and my parents and the four of us went to see Cirque here in Atlanta. It was awesome! (Cirque wasn't bad either ha). We even went out to eat at Maggiano's. Yum yum. We just hit it off amazingly well (and quick too). The next night she went with me to the Dave Barnes concert and that was great. Held hands ha. I know I sound like a middle schooler. Don't judge me ha. But yeah we've just been taking it really slow. We knew we would be together and made it official while we go slow. Still hang out in groups just as much as we're alone. We both shared so much about our past and our lessons learned. It's just nice to be on the same page and happy together. I'm overwhelmed and blessed to say the least. It's been great. She is from Florida. Went to University of Floria. (Already has given me underlying messages that I need to start being a Gator fan haha). She is in Atlanta now as a student at Emory where she is getting a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. But we're very similar. Very happy. God has just really shown me some amazing things over the past year. I love the learning. :)

Second quarter of grad school, believe it or not, ends this week. We're in our final week of classes. Next week is "Studio Week" which is basically a week of free time to get your assignments done, and the week after that is Critique Week. The dreaded week I call it. I can't believe school is almost over again. It has seriously flown by. I have a lot of stuff to get done over the next week. Nothing like last minute pressure, amen? I think my writing has gotten a lot stronger since last quarter. My photography, on the other hand, I don't feel good about. It's a long story that has been promised to be resolved next quarter. I'm really excited for next quarter.

Over the break I'm going to Nashville for about a week to visit some friends out there and stay with my brother and his family. I love family! I'm really excited cause I love and miss Nashville. Also at the beginning of April I'm going to Greenville to shoot some Bridal Portraits for my friend Brittany. Christina is going to go with me so I can show her my college (polar opposite of her's ha) and maybe even hang around a bit before coming back here to Atlanta. She also gets to go with me back to Nashville when I go Easter weekend! Yay! Like I said. I love family!

I can't remember if I told everyone, but I'm going to Kenya in June. I think I told everyone. We had our first team meeting a week ago. There are 29 of us signed up to go. I'm the unofficial photographer for the trip. You'd better believe I'm going to photograph the junk out of that place, too! Not to mention it'll allow me to get another global phrase tattoo on my arm. Score. I'm really praying about if I can go though. Trying to juggle the finances for school plus the $3500 needed for the trip with church and also emergency money for car issues or anything else that might come up. So please keep me in prayer. I appreciate it. Some of you might be getting a support letter too. I hope you can help me financially during this bad economy we're in. I know God provides for every calling.

Well I'm actually typing this in class, so I better get back to business. I hope you guys are well, and I'll be sure to update you guys sooner than a month. As well as post a picture of Christina and I (which you can see already on my Facebook). Have a good weekend! God Bless!

More to come...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Blah Story

Hey guys. I thought I would post my final copy of my story for writing class. We had to write about the word "Blah." I wrote about loneliness. Enjoy.

"Pixie Dust"

Suicide brings a list of pros and cons. I only considered it once. I hadn’t changed clothes in three days. I was using a steak knife to cut a microwave pizza into four pieces and I wondered how easily the knife would pierce my skin. Am I as penetrable as melted cheese? Instead of experimenting with variables, I dropped the knife, threw away the pizza and burrowed myself in the couch.
When people are lonely a vast percentage of us would settle for being anywhere else. I always thought of Neverland. Imagining Tinker Bell fluttering into my apartment, casting a soft light in my face. I squinted, feeling a pinch of warmth being emitted from her fragile wings. My fragile wings sure didn’t bring warmth. She sprinkled me with pixie dust. It felt like a beach breeze casting tiny grains of sand on my body. Nothing happened. Peter Pan was nowhere in sight. Is he lost? It’s the third apartment building to the left and straight on ‘til sorrow. Tinker Bell’s glow dimmed. I think even she was worried and confused. She eventually let herself out.
Peter Pan is selfish. A brutal truth I learned. As sure as God made green apples. It was fall and the leaves had changed to colors of sunsets. I had the love of a woman that disappeared too suddenly. I was alone.
Since when does Peter Pan get to play Neverland god? Did I do something wrong? Was I supposed to have a teddy bear like Michael did? Nothing happened, and the magic pixie dust barely made my wings flinch. Peter Pan never came. There is no anecdote for loneliness. My personal Captain Hook would be battled with time.
Through the time, I felt like an Olympian clearing hurdles in my path. Sometimes the hurdles fell and other hurdles were cleared with ease. There were days when I dreamed of her. I’d awaken to the thought of seeing her in my room, but it was shadow games. It was the closest I came to become Pan. I was chasing a shadow. Every time my phone would ring I’d think it’s a second chance calling, but it was a wrong number.
The loneliest part of my life was one giant sword fight. Hook can really brawl. I returned each volley with sharp, double-edged technique while the crocodile waited to consume my nemesis. I became a witness that time, and a little faith, will defeat him. That only you can carry you to Neverland. The magical pixie dust will finally bring flight.

So there you have it. Haha. Not too bad. I had a good time coming up with Peter Pan references.

I met with the Photography head professor today just to show some of my work this quarter so far, which isn't much. It was a nice talk. I was able to express some concerns I had about the school and how I personally feel really behind and not as good as other students. He just explained that it is a natural feeling and probably a good feeling to have because it'll either push you to produce better images and ideas or it'll push you further away from your craft. I don't believe in failure in anything, so I know it'll only push me to be better. It's just difficult this quarter since I'm not used to these assignments, etc. But I know I'll get it eventually. That's why I'm in school, right? :)

Next Wednesday I have my quarterly meeting with Hank, the president of the school. He and I decided to meet once a quarter to talk about my future plans and ideas. He is super helpful. So by next week I need to type out a list of ideas for my magazine and what I want it to be and show and tell. That should be a nice assignment for this weekend. I can't believe second quarter will be over in about 3 weeks. I'm kinda looking forward to it.

Church groups are going well. I'm slowly coming out of my shell and making good friends. I asked a few ladies if they wanted to take me up on my extra ticket to Cirque du Soleil and Dave Barnes concert. We'll see how that turns out haha. But I'm really blessed to be involved in an awesome church and finally meet people my age who share the same love for our Creator. I know thats cheesy, but Im just thrilled about it. I'll keep you guys updated as things continue.

Have a great week. God Bless!!

More to come

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kenya, Philippines, the World!

Hey guys! Look at that. I didn't update for a whole week! I don't know how the weather is where you are, but here in Atlanta it is high 60s to low 70s. It feels awesome! But anyways...I have some exciting news.

When I started joining my church down here, Buckhead Church, I signed up for information on a few global impact teams they have. I applied for a few that happen during breaks from school. I got an e-mail the other day saying I've been accepted onto the team to Kenya! I'm so psyched! The trip is June 18-27th. It costs $3,500 though, but that shouldn't be too big an issue. I have dozens of weddings to help pay for the cost. Plus the Lord will provide. The reason I wanted to go was because I have a strong passion to impact the world around me, and not only that, document things I see with my lens. Heck yes! Here is a rundown of what we'll be doing:

"Team members will work alongside the people of a 410 Bridge community, focusing on service projects and discipleship programs that have been identified as strategic priorities by the community. These include water projects, building construction and renovation, teaching in schools, and more. You will have the opportunity to interact with local leaders, community members, and children while building relationships throughout the week. On the back end of the trip, you will enjoy a safari day at a Kenyan national park where you will see a variety of animals and enjoy the Kenyan landscape. More details will be provided as you get closer to the trip dates. This will be a life-changing week, serving and building relationships with our brothers and sisters in Kenya and sharing the love of Christ!"

Amazing right? I can't wait to get more details and get started. We have a meeting in 2 weeks at church where I'll get to meet everyone going with me on the trip. Not sure if it is a varied group of ages or what. Then, next Summer I'm going to Manila, Philippines for 10 days with my Aunt and friend Amy. We'll be going to visit my sister Rachel who is a missionary. I can't be more stoked about that trip too! Just amazing the places God takes you in this world. Even more exciting serious news...

An opportunity has come to me involving traveling the world for an organization documenting what I see with my photography and writing. When I went to Greece, Turkey and Cyprus, our guide for the journey was a really awesome Godly man. It has been at least 2 years since I've heard from him. About a week or so ago I got word from a school friend in Greece that he was looking to get in contact with me. He had seen some of my photos and wanted to see how I am. So I finally got a hold of him on the phone. When I told him who it is he like screamed in the phone and said "Evan how are you man?!" Hahaha so funny. You'd have to know him. Anyway, I told him about Atlanta and my dreams for afterwards, etc. He asked me if I wanted to see the world, and I was like uh yeah. Basically he now heads an organization based out of Nashville. They are in need of a Photographer. Only problem is finances and funding. (Something we talked long about and he is supposed to email me this week). He said he also knows people who work for International Mission Board, etc and there might be a way there. We were talking about how awesome an opportunity for me it would be to get started on my magazine now using the stories I see and hear over there wherever I go.

BUT Im comfortable here in Atlanta. So, unless the finances get sorted through another outlet, I won't be able to take this opportunity. I wouldn't be able to afford it without worry. Especially with school loan payments. But God has a way of working things out. So for right now, I'm still putting 110% into school and waiting to see what happens. But it is potentially one of the biggest opportunities of my life. If it works out, I'll have no reason to say no and get going. I'll let you know more as I do. Keep that in your prayers.

I'm entering week 6 of second quarter in grad school right now. We're just over halfway done with this session. Time has flown by. The last half is when things get busier it seems as people get cracking on final projects. I have a few to do this week. Thank God for my 4-day weekends this quarter.

I have another wedding this weekend on V-Day up in North Georgia. I am actually looking forward to it. Gotta love that money! My sister did my taxes for me and I'm getting back about $1,300. I've decided to put that money towards something I have been needing/wanting. An external monitor display for my laptop. That way it'll make editing wedding pictures and other assignments a whole lot easier on a bigger screen. Tax refund well spent haha. So all in all things are going well down here. Church is going well, school going well, the weather is awesome. I might try and jump up and click my heels if it gets any better. Thank you Lord for guiding me on this journey even when I was unwilling to walk it. I'm ready to pick up the pace. :)

More to come...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Capturing "Blah"

So the new word for my writing class assignment is "Blah." It can be on anything and everything we think of to express the word. For some reason, loneliness was the first thing that came to mind. Weird right? Of all the topics. So I decided to jot down a few sentences on paper to see where it takes me. And, naturally, the loneliest part of my life started taking shape. I know a lot of people have heard it time and time again, but I've been trying to write it in a way I've never expressed it before. What loneliness does to a person. Somehow, don't ask me why, Peter Pan got involved. Hahaha you'll see when you read it in a week after class Tuesday. It starts off "I didn't get my first kiss until ninth grade." And it goes on about first loves and ultimately what the loss of that love does to a person. Could be good or really bad. Time will tell.

I've been having a lot of thoughts this week about school in general. After talking with some fellow Photography students, I've decided to give it til the Fall, after I've been here a full year, and start to weigh my options. See if I feel like the Lord needs me to stay the final year. And don't get me wrong, I love it here. I truly do. It's a terrific program. Only thing I here to learn something from the school, or does the Lord want me to learn something outside of the walls? It's been a thought on my mind for a few days now.

I came across something interesting in my reading. "Only a life lived for others is worth living." And it struck a chord because helping others is the main area of my dream with my magazine. Oh gosh it's like if I had the opportunity to start it now I totally would. I miss Nashville more and more too. No matter all that happened out there for me it was a terrific place to live. I miss my friends and family out there. I was telling my mom if an opportunity came up for employment out there, I wouldn't give it a second thought and would begin packing. But, on the other hand, if I don't stay and pursue my dream and NYC, I know I'll always wonder "what if?" later on. So thoughts are, as always, heavy on my mind.

One day last week my iPhone rang (I specify "iPhone" because it always makes my Dad jealous haha) and it was my niece Carson on the phone. Always a nice surprise. She said "Buddy guess what? Jadd (my nephew) just said your name." How tender is that? Apparently he actually just made a noise that sounded like my name, and Carson said "He just said Evan." So her mom asked if she wanted to tell me and she said "Yeah!" Oh I miss her so much. Jadd too of course. And my nephew Gavin back in VA.

This is probably me jumping the shark in a huge way, but I think there is a tiny chance I might get asked to do some photography work overseas. This is the reason I think this...Abraham was our guide on the college trips to Greece and Turkey/Cyprus. I got a Facebook message from a friend over there saying that he wanted to get in contact with me regarding photography, etc. So naturally my passion for capturing the world rushed to my mind, and I started hoping that was it. I haven't heard from him yet. Haha it's probably some random question like "My camera won't focus. Any idea why?" Oh but how awesome it would be to travel the world and show the world what I see. Gosh! AHHH!! Hahaha. Anyway....

A friend contacted me to donate some of my prints to an art auction to raise money for Boys & Girls Club of America. I said definitely. I even thought it might be a good idea to maybe have a free Photography session auctioned off and see if anyone bids on it. Might be a good way to get my name out there and offer my talents for a good cause at the same time. We'll see what develops out of that. I'm not sure the full story. Was just asked tonight. Keep you guys posted.

I must get to bed now. Today will be a fun day, hopefully, Super Bowl party at church tonight with the Fusion gang. The Varsity is catering. Yum. Keep me in prayer as I'm getting more involved with this church group. I'll post an update sometime this week. Hope everyone has a good one. Keep my sister Rachel in prayer as she is now boarding the ship in the Philippines. God Bless!

More to come...

Monday, January 26, 2009

A New Horizon

Last week held a historical day. That much is certain. No matter what anyone says about it, Barack H Obama officially became the nation's 44th President, and the nation's 1st African-American President. For that I give my applause and my pride. For the next 4 years, he'll have my support. He should have all of our support. For some it'll be a day like 9/11. They'll be able to tell their children's children where they were when his right hand was raised and the oath was taken. I was at a restaurant/pub with everyone in my writing class. All 5 of us plus the professor. We had class there because we're told it's a place where a lot of writer's go and it's sort of like a creative center. The place was crammed full of Obama supporters (most acting like idiots) and then myself, the only non-Obama voter in the place, wearing my "Obamunism" shirt for all to see. The following is a true story. (Haha I feel like I should insert that little Law & Order sound effect. Clink clink!)

So we get there early for class so we can get stuff accomplished before the main ceremony started. As I took my jacket off to display my Obama shirt for everyone, I made sure to turn a full 360 while I got my arms out of the sleeves. Subtle right? I'm sure I got attention. The ceremony began about an hour or so after we arrived. Those who know me know I rarely shy away from my beliefs and will defend them when I feel they're threatened. I'll be 12-years-old and give a little "They started it" line. The first time it shows George W Bush on screen, people started booing. Not only that, the table next to us all stuck out the middle finger to the screen as if we were at some live Nascar race and there was redneck tension. Very sad to witness. It was at that moment I decided I wanted to play this fun game too. So I stand up and start applauding and hollering "I love you George!" This is when I started to make friends there.

The ceremony progresses. All the former presidents were there. Every time the crowd booed, I applauded loudly. And vice versa. Jimmy Carter walked out and I shouted "They wasted the Nobel Prize on him!" Bill Clinton walked out and I said, "Alright! 9/11 happened because of him. What a leader!" George W. Bush and his father walk out and I'm standing up whistling and cheering haha. It was great fun. When Obama's and Biden's wives walked out, someone behind me actually said "Oh that's his wife?" Hahahaha I mean, if you're going to vote for a man at least know about him that much! Unbelievable.

When Rick Warren got up to give the opening prayer everyone booed. Apparently he had a hand in stopping the gay marriage amendment in California. So I started cheering and probably said something along the lines of "Hallelujah Jesus!" It's just unbelievable to me the way people are. Now, sure, I was acting this way in clean fun like a court jester in ancient times. But these people actually hold this malice and injustice in their hearts. It's amazing to me.

The problem I have with people is that no one cares for one another anymore. There could be a serious wreck with people dead in the road, and people in their cars will honk and do everything they can to get where they need to be in a hurry. You get all of these people who say "Oh we need to support our new president; however, these are the same people flicking off our former leader on the television screen. Where was your support for HIM?! Granted people, not just politicians, do things we don't approve of. Does that mean I should flick off the person at the mall who cuts me off? Do I need to stick the bird where the sun don't shine on the people who carry the complete opposite beliefs of mine? No. We've all become pigheaded.

As the ceremony ended, the closing prayer had a cute little 3rd grade rhyme to it, mentioning all of the different races in the world. "For the yellow to me mellow. For the red to get ahead." And then he says "And for the white to always do what's right." Hahaha it was extremely offensive to me. When have I not been doing what's right? Why do the red people need to get ahead and the brown to get around? I mean if they're here as citizens then awesome! Let's all sing koombayah and hold hands. If they're here on illegal terms they need a swift kick out of our borders. They'll get ahead and around real quick!

The main thing I'm tired of is the appearance that slavery and oppression of people is still continuing today. It's extremely discomforting to me. I can name hundreds of African-Americans out there who are better off than me. And I don't mean athletes. I mean the mailman has a job and I don't. That's one right there. Give me a break! I'm thrilled beyond words for the impact of this historical achievement and what it means, but do the wretched whitemen need to have our noses rubbed in it? Was I around when their ancestors we're getting hanged? No! I'm trying to make a difference in this world as much as the next person, no matter the skintone. It's just tiring that the race card is always played to the opponent's advantage. That card should've been filed in the Smithsonian decades ago!

Obama is looking to signing the Freedom of Choice Act. It's going to be remembered as the saddest day in our nation's history. We might as well have him sign the Freedom of Murder Act. There is NO difference. I don't want this baby. I want it taken care of. I know, I'll have it killed by the doctor or just let it lay in a corner by itself with no medical attention so it dies. Now let's say this guy at the grocery store takes the last box of cereal. You motherf---. That was the last box. I don't want to have to deal with you. I don't want you around, sir. I know, I'll take out my gun and shoot you in the head. Great taken care of. That's the exact same principle underlying the abortion issue. Feel free to debate me otherwise. They say abortion is for population control. Well then so is me wanting my box of cereal. I'm taking him out. You're taking the baby out. Same thing! Abortion is murder. If you want to control population, practice abstinence or safe sex. Quit sleeping and dicking around. I'm sorry to sound so heartless on the matter, but is abortion not heartless?

I think people are in for a rude awakening these next 4 years. Obama is NOT our messiah. He is not going to hoist the country above our heads out of the ashes. I must say I respect the man for the tasks ahead of him. I WILL be giving him my support and do my part. Because no matter what disagreements I have with him and his leadership it is true that we are ALL in this TOGETHER. That's right. Everyone. The person you honk at, flick off, curse at, snicker at, laugh at, spit at, are snobby at, the baby you abort or decide to have, etc. We must work together to help ourselves and each other. This is why my dream resonates so much more powerfully in my mind. There is no greater time than now for all of us to achieve the impossible in ourselves.

The problem with politics is the aspect of fear. You need to follow politics yourself. Develop your beliefs and stick to them. Don't let anyone sway you. The more clueless you are, the more you listen to others. The others have a natural ability to inflict fear in our hearts and souls. So we'll look to our politicians instead of realizing we have it in ourselves to make things better. Politicians know we are scared and they thrive on it. It's not only cheesy sounding, but it's as true as the written word of God. We have the tools in our lives already. We have each other. We need to give our talents and knowledge to one another.

I know this whole blog might upset people (as tends to happen when I get hot-headed) and I'm apologizing to those people. However, truth hurts. I'm sorry. I get hurt when truth is brought to my attention. We just have to deal with it. We have to all realize these tasks for ourselves and our country are not solely for those who lead, but for each of us. Chase your dream until you reach that horizon. We're all in a new horizon in each of our lives. Last year taught me that more than anything else. We have the ability to get things done, to work together and support our country...our heritage...our patriotism. Sure this is just my opinion and I have a strict moral character. All of us do. That's what makes us unique. We need to put some differences aside and, as cheesy as it sounds, come to the table and get things done. If we can't work together today, we'll continue to fight together tomorow.