I took the Amtrak train home because A it was cheaper, B I didn't want to deal with traffic in this crazy city and C I could sleep. A normal drive home to Virginia is about 8 hours, but the train took 10 due to stops and stuff. The train left Wednesday night at 8p but didn't arrive in Lynchburg til a little after 6a Thanksgiving morning. The train ride up there was not pleasant. It was so crowded because of the holiday I take it and it made it almost impossible to sleep the first several hours. I sat next to some guy up until the stop in Charlotte and then at that point this African-American man sat next to me and he was quite an interesting character. He decided to use his cell phone and drop the F-bomb to his friend about everything imaginable. When he hung up, I noticed the wallpaper of his cell was a naked black chick hahahahaha. I literally started laughing out loud. Luckily, I was watching Fred Claus on my laptop so he probably assumed I was laughing at that. Little did he know... So yeah he finally moved to his own seat once the train cleared up, but by that time it was already 3a and I couldn't fall asleep. The ride back overnight Sun into Mon morning was much smoother.
Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorites simply because my whole family is together. With five children my parents had a hand in creating, it's hard to get us all together a lot. There was about 20 people at the table Thursday night. My immediate family including siblings-in-law, my brother-in-law's folks, my aunt, three niece and nephews, a friend of my sister's and three friends of another sister. Yeah it was crazy but that's why we love it. Not to mention it's the time of year when we make chocolate eclair cake, but that is a blog in itself. Also that Sunday morning I was thrilled to be in town at the time of my sister's commissioning service in front of the entire Thomas Road Baptist Church. She is leaving in January to be a missionary for two years with Wycliffe and the church took up an offering and also had a moment of prayer over her with all of us on stage in support. It's weird to think that she won't be with us until 2011. I'll be done with grad school by then, or maybe even married. Weird indeed. This Christmas and New Year will be bittersweet. That same Sunday was also baby dedication, and my nephew Gavin got dedicated! I was very fortunate to be in town. Gosh, I love my family! We also haven't had an updated family photo since last Thanksgiving, so I provided my Nikon D700 to the cause of a new family photo we took at the church. Here are a few for you to enjoy. (More photos from the weekend are on Facebook).

These were our formal family photo and then of course our signature Hampton sense of humor. Here is one of us 5 siblings...and us picking on the youngest.

Yeah, the Hampton sarcasm and humor is something in itself to be thankful for.
This week is Studio Week here at school. It basically is a week of no classes so you have immense free time to work on your due projects. I think I expressed the whole critique and deliverables thing in the last blog. I have 15 total final projects to show for critique, and of those I have 11 completed. Just 4 to go! Tonight I finished my mailer for Photoshop class which is basically a mock postcard for your business front and back. It looks really nice I think and I'll post it on here next week when all assignments are done. I also finished the window assignment for Photoshop class. We're to take a photo of any window we want on a building and then place a separate photo within that window. I captured a window at a church and then placed a sunrise picture in the window. You'll see that soon as well. Finally, I finished my "Up High" assignment for Photoshop class where we were told to shoot something up high in the sky or at a certain vantage point, etc and then place stuff in that photo to make it look like it was already there. My original idea was a photo of Atlanta skyline and then I would put a dozen planes in the sky. Then I thought of a better idea with this Abercrombie billboard near my apartment. I shot the billboard and decided to put my head on the guy's body to make it seem like I was on the billboard hahahaha. I just have to show it to you now...

Hahaha I think it turned out pretty well. I hope this at least brightens your day if nothing else does.
I got my critique presentation times and I ask that you keep me in prayer for those. My Photography critique presentation is Monday Dec. 8 @ 6:30p and my Writing one is Tuesday Dec. 9 @ 6:30p. After that I'm finished for the quarter! I'll hang around Atlanta several days before going to Greenville that weekend of the 11th to shoot Engagement Photos, see some friends like Andy and Meredith, and visit the school etc on my way home to Virginia for break. Then second quarter begins Jan. 5.
Last thing, keep mentioning my business to any friends you may know getting married. I'm up to 13 weddings now, including one in Houston, TX. It's really going well. How I'll balance school in the summer with wedding season will soon be revealed. www.redbulbphotography.com. That is all for now. I hope everyone is doing well and keeps me posted on their own life's chronicles. God Bless!
More to come...
1 comment:
Thanks for giving me a shout out. And you can't get married while I'm gone! I miss you already.
And I love the billboard, that is hilarious!
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