Friday, January 23, 2009

Best Foot Forward

Well the third week of classes is over. It's crazy because I feel like this quarter is flying by. I'll post my new short story this coming week sometime (I know you guys are dying to read it haha). This one we had a choice to write on our favorite word (contribute) or our non-favorite word (F---). As I wrote on my favorite word it was coming out very cheesy, so I decided to experiment with my non-favorite. It came out pretty well. Its this guy in the shower and all of this bad stuff happens to him. He is like me and doesn't cuss, so he uses words like shoot and dangit, etc. By the end something small happens to set him off completely and he says the F-word. But no worries I typed it like F@%&! Hahaha. The class enjoyed it.

For my still life class we had to turn in our "impossible shot" assignment this week. It's basically photographing something that can't be done (i.e. a feather holding up a bowling ball). I decided to shoot a baseball bat holding up a big stack of books. It came out really nice. Take a look.

I have to reshoot it though so that it all relates to one another. The balls will become apples. The bat will become a giant-sized No. 2 pencil and the books will be school text books and dictionaries. The teacher said it was great it just all needs to relate to each other...and I need to blur out the background some too. But not too bad. I'm really enjoying the challenges of the quarter so far. I feel bad for one of my friend's, Erika, who got her camera fried accidentally by the equipment. Her camera started smoking. Scary stuff if that happened to me.

My roommate told me that someone asked in his class who his roommate is. When he said, "Evan" they were like "Oh is that that tall guy that dresses really nice?" Hahaha yup! Sure is, ladies. Tell your friends.

Sunday night will be the first night of Fusion at Buckhead Church. Basically like small groups for people my age. It meets 5 times every three months. We get together a few hours one night and do different things out and about to be together. Sounds like it'll be a great opportunity for me. I'll let you know how it goes.

Not bad for a short little blog entry huh? I'll be posting my experience with one of my classes at the coffeehouse watching the inauguration sometime this weekend. Get excited for that haha. Until then have an awesome weekend and I'll talk to you guys soon.

More to come...

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