Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Another Day...

Ok guys, I promise not to keep these updates every day and bother you. I just had another report for my second day of classes, and my first official day on my sunrise/sunset photo shoot. I got up around 6am...let's all let out a sad groan together, ok?...I grabbed a bite to eat real quick and rode my bike about 20 blocks give or take a few to Piedmont Park downtown Atlanta. It was a really nice bikeride and my calves and thighs of thunder thank me right now. (Shots of the day at the end of this post).

My class was right after my morning ride/shoot. I was able to grab a shower to wake up more and head across the street for class. (Not having to drive is freakin' awesome!) The class today was Introduction to Photography. I absolutely love it! The professor is really enthusiastic and really nice. He is a white guy from South Africa and also a believer from what I'm told. Which is cool. But the assignments are going to be really cool for that class and a great opportunity to push the creative envelope. One example to be done by next week is "Worm's Eye-View." We have to shoot all shots from the ground looking up or just from a low point, putting ourselves in the mind of a worm. Sounds exciting...and challenging, but Im set for that challenge.

The shoot tonight was at Centennial Park downtown, but I took the Marta for that. I mean, I bought a city pass, might as well use that bus ticket. The sunset location was not as great as I had hoped. I forgot there were building on both sides, completely blocking direct sunlight. So I had to try my best to improvise. Here are the shots of the day: They are a little mixed up. Five of them are sunrise and the other five are sunset. The first four are sunset as well as number seven with the olympic rings. The ones with the dew/fog and the good orange color are sunrise. Dont get used to seeing my work, but I thought you might want to see first day attempts.

Photoshop class tomorrow. More to come...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Evan, I loooooove the sunrise ones especially. They are so cool with the fog. I can already tell you are going to get some amazing shots from this assignment...even if it's not the most glamorous thing. I'm so proud of you!