Sunday, September 21, 2008

A New Chapter Begins...

For some reason when I just typed that Blog title, I thought of As the World Turns...weird. Anyways, I made it to Atlanta!!! Just spend my first night last night in our apartment ("our" meaning Eric and I, who was a friend of mine from NGU, also going to Portfolio Center). My parents, who love me dearly, moved me down here from VA on Friday and we moved everything in Saturday morning. Two flights of stairs can take a toll on you when you're moving furniture. But we're living in a townhome apartment right in Downtown Atlanta near Buckhead. We love it so far!!

Last night we made a much needed Wal-Mart run to get the essentials, wall hooks, groceries, etc. Everything is pretty much set up in our apartment. I decided to paint horizontal stripes around the circumfrance of my room...hard to explain, but Ill post some pictures when its done. We just have wall decorations left. A LOT of NYC themed stuff.

Today we went to the Atlanta Braves v. New York Mets game. It was a lot of fun and Im glad we decided to go. Eric had won free tickets that ended up being in pretty good seats out in the outfield. We chose not to drive, but instead, took a city bus and metro to get there. Helped us become more well acquainted with our home city for the next two years. After the game, we headed back and decided to walk back to the apartment instead of take the bus, because we wanted to see how long a walk would be from our apartment to the metro station. So basically, after an hour had passed we finally arrive at our place haha.

We're currently at Panera Bread a few blocks over using the internet and ordering Comcast cable and internet. I was really hoping for some free wireless internet off of a neighbor, but oh well. But we are loving it so far. Im a big city guy at heart for became evident in day one. We're both very anxious to get started at Portfolio Center. But classes dont start until a week from tomorrow. I just want to know my schedule, meet new people and form new friendships. I just hope Ill be outgoing and everyone will be very welcoming and not intimidating. Cause Lord knows I'll pop someone's big head ego like a balloon. :) Dont give me that WWJD, because He would use humility to teach a lesson I know it.

I dont feel overwhelmed just yet. Nashville life definitely prepared me for larger cities and living on my own. Im not going to be looking for a job until Jan/Feb when our rent special is over. Right now we get half off the first four months (about $250 each) and then it'll double after that. About $1,000 a month total. Ugh! Hurts my stomach, believe me. But we're in a great location! There is one of my banks, Chick-fil-A, Kroger and many other places all in walking distance. Yay for saving gas! Im not sure if we are going to Six Flags this week because they are only open on weekends and I doubt we will do that until friends or family come for a visit before the park closes Nov. 2nd.

Thats about all of an update for now. Tomorrow I think I might go with Eric and his mom who is coming for a visit to Ikea and some other places. Also I need to work on painting my room so that headache can be over. But now Im headed off of this Panera wifi spot, putting my crumbs of the Roast Beef and Cheddar in the trash, and headed home. 25th Birthday in a week, and I saw a Cheesecake Factory not too far from me...Im thinking I might treat myself to some birthday cheesecake...yes? Indeed! Photos are on the way once we get all settled.

1 comment:

peaceamongparties said...

Whats up Evan, hope all is well. Hang in there and it will all pay off. Peace to ya my friend