Last week held a historical day. That much is certain. No matter what anyone says about it, Barack H Obama officially became the nation's 44th President, and the nation's 1st African-American President. For that I give my applause and my pride. For the next 4 years, he'll have my support. He should have all of our support. For some it'll be a day like 9/11. They'll be able to tell their children's children where they were when his right hand was raised and the oath was taken. I was at a restaurant/pub with everyone in my writing class. All 5 of us plus the professor. We had class there because we're told it's a place where a lot of writer's go and it's sort of like a creative center. The place was crammed full of Obama supporters (most acting like idiots) and then myself, the only non-Obama voter in the place, wearing my "Obamunism" shirt for all to see. The following is a true story. (Haha I feel like I should insert that little Law & Order sound effect.
Clink clink!)
So we get there early for class so we can get stuff accomplished before the main ceremony started. As I took my jacket off to display my Obama shirt for everyone, I made sure to turn a full 360 while I got my arms out of the sleeves. Subtle right? I'm sure I got attention. The ceremony began about an hour or so after we arrived. Those who know me know I rarely shy away from my beliefs and will defend them when I feel they're threatened. I'll be 12-years-old and give a little "They started it" line. The first time it shows George W Bush on screen, people started booing. Not only that, the table next to us all stuck out the middle finger to the screen as if we were at some live Nascar race and there was redneck tension. Very sad to witness. It was at that moment I decided I wanted to play this fun game too. So I stand up and start applauding and hollering "I love you George!" This is when I started to make friends there.
The ceremony progresses. All the former presidents were there. Every time the crowd booed, I applauded loudly. And vice versa. Jimmy Carter walked out and I shouted "They wasted the Nobel Prize on him!" Bill Clinton walked out and I said, "Alright! 9/11 happened because of him. What a leader!" George W. Bush and his father walk out and I'm standing up whistling and cheering haha. It was great fun. When Obama's and Biden's wives walked out, someone behind me actually said "Oh that's his wife?" Hahahaha I mean, if you're going to vote for a man at least know about him that much! Unbelievable.
When Rick Warren got up to give the opening prayer everyone booed. Apparently he had a hand in stopping the gay marriage amendment in California. So I started cheering and probably said something along the lines of "Hallelujah Jesus!" It's just unbelievable to me the way people are. Now, sure, I was acting this way in clean fun like a court jester in ancient times. But these people actually hold this malice and injustice in their hearts. It's amazing to me.
The problem I have with people is that no one cares for one another anymore. There could be a serious wreck with people dead in the road, and people in their cars will honk and do everything they can to get where they need to be in a hurry. You get all of these people who say "Oh we need to support our new president; however, these are the same people flicking off our former leader on the television screen. Where was your support for HIM?! Granted people, not just politicians, do things we don't approve of. Does that mean I should flick off the person at the mall who cuts me off? Do I need to stick the bird where the sun don't shine on the people who carry the complete opposite beliefs of mine? No. We've all become pigheaded.
As the ceremony ended, the closing prayer had a cute little 3rd grade rhyme to it, mentioning all of the different races in the world. "For the yellow to me mellow. For the red to get ahead." And then he says "And for the white to always do what's right." Hahaha it was extremely offensive to me. When have I not been doing what's right? Why do the red people need to get ahead and the brown to get around? I mean if they're here as citizens then awesome! Let's all sing koombayah and hold hands. If they're here on illegal terms they need a swift kick out of our borders. They'll get ahead and around real quick!
The main thing I'm tired of is the appearance that slavery and oppression of people is still continuing today. It's extremely discomforting to me. I can name hundreds of African-Americans out there who are better off than me. And I don't mean athletes. I mean the mailman has a job and I don't. That's one right there. Give me a break! I'm thrilled beyond words for the impact of this historical achievement and what it means, but do the wretched whitemen need to have our noses rubbed in it? Was I around when their ancestors we're getting hanged? No! I'm trying to make a difference in this world as much as the next person, no matter the skintone. It's just tiring that the race card is always played to the opponent's advantage. That card should've been filed in the Smithsonian decades ago!
Obama is looking to signing the Freedom of Choice Act. It's going to be remembered as the saddest day in our nation's history. We might as well have him sign the Freedom of Murder Act. There is NO difference. I don't want this baby. I want it taken care of. I know, I'll have it killed by the doctor or just let it lay in a corner by itself with no medical attention so it dies. Now let's say this guy at the grocery store takes the last box of cereal. You motherf---. That was the last box. I don't want to have to deal with you. I don't want you around, sir. I know, I'll take out my gun and shoot you in the head. Great taken care of. That's the exact same principle underlying the abortion issue. Feel free to debate me otherwise. They say abortion is for population control. Well then so is me wanting my box of cereal. I'm taking him out. You're taking the baby out. Same thing! Abortion is murder. If you want to control population, practice abstinence or safe sex. Quit sleeping and dicking around. I'm sorry to sound so heartless on the matter, but is abortion not heartless?
I think people are in for a rude awakening these next 4 years. Obama is NOT our messiah. He is not going to hoist the country above our heads out of the ashes. I must say I respect the man for the tasks ahead of him. I WILL be giving him my support and do my part. Because no matter what disagreements I have with him and his leadership it is true that we are ALL in this TOGETHER. That's right. Everyone. The person you honk at, flick off, curse at, snicker at, laugh at, spit at, are snobby at, the baby you abort or decide to have, etc. We must work together to help ourselves and each other. This is why my dream resonates so much more powerfully in my mind. There is no greater time than now for all of us to achieve the impossible in ourselves.
The problem with politics is the aspect of fear. You need to follow politics yourself. Develop your beliefs and stick to them. Don't let anyone sway you. The more clueless you are, the more you listen to others. The others have a natural ability to inflict fear in our hearts and souls. So we'll look to our politicians instead of realizing we have it in ourselves to make things better. Politicians know we are scared and they thrive on it. It's not only cheesy sounding, but it's as true as the written word of God. We have the tools in our lives already. We have each other. We need to give our talents and knowledge to one another.
I know this whole blog might upset people (as tends to happen when I get hot-headed) and I'm apologizing to those people. However, truth hurts. I'm sorry. I get hurt when truth is brought to my attention. We just have to deal with it. We have to all realize these tasks for ourselves and our country are not solely for those who lead, but for each of us. Chase your dream until you reach that horizon. We're all in a new horizon in each of our lives. Last year taught me that more than anything else. We have the ability to get things done, to work together and support our country...our heritage...our patriotism. Sure this is just my opinion and I have a strict moral character. All of us do. That's what makes us unique. We need to put some differences aside and, as cheesy as it sounds, come to the table and get things done. If we can't work together today, we'll continue to fight together tomorow.